Marjan Hardy
Are you a victim of a traffic accident or a workplace accident? Have you suffered injuries and do you want to be represented in your personal injury case against the liable party, often an insurer? I can often assist you free of charge.
Since 2012, I have specialized in personal injury, and since 2016, I have been working as a lawyer at Schenkeveld Advocaten. I represent victims of traffic accidents, workplace accidents, and medical errors. Additionally, I provide advice and litigation services in cases involving liability disputes or other types of disputes with entities such as your own insurer, such as a disability insurer.
From my experience, I have learned that if you have suffered an injury, you face much more than just the financial consequences of your injury. Your life is temporarily or permanently completely changed. You will notice that when I represent you, I not only focus on simply claiming your damages. Together with you, I determine what is necessary to alleviate your situation. Of course, obtaining an advance payment for your damages is important. But it is equally important that you have someone who can assist you with other issues you may face, such as home modifications, solutions to keep your business running, or engaging external professionals such as nurses, household assistance, vocational experts, etc. With my strong empathetic ability, the ability to quickly understand the necessary steps, and my direct way of communicating, you will feel that there is truly someone standing by your side.
Memberships/Additional functions:
Member of the Association of Young Professionals in Personal Injury.